【热点】 什么是在职研究生 在职读研五种途径 招生简章 报考条件 报考流程 报名时间 学费 考试科目 在职研究生和全日制研究生的区别 同等学力 双证在职研究生




10. Many students are signing the petition against building a steelworks near the school.
    A) names               B) agreement

    C) request            D) disapproval

    11. Your appraisal of the current situation is quite different from mine.

    A) optimistic        B) compliment

    C) agreement       D) estimate

    12. They are boycotting the store because the workers are on strike.

    A) looting    B) banning

    C) protecting        D) destroying

    13. In the final contest, two athletes are contending for the championship.

    A) satisfying      B) happy

    C) competing        D) quarreling

    14. The computer's value will depreciate by half in the first year.

    A) decrease     B) increase

    C) keep low      D) fluctuate

    15. China Telecom is about to embark on a major program of computerization.

    A) propaganda    B) finish

    C) purchase        D) undertake

    l6. The candidate has given a pledge that he will improve the local environment and invest doubly in education.

    A) promise         B)  declaration

    C) proposal         D) possibility

    17. There has always been an epldemic or bike stealing in schools.                                              

    A) a theft         B) a punishment

    C) a plague          D) a crime

    18. It is in Chongqing that the next international symposium on environmental protection will be held.

    A) debate          B) conference

    C) seminar         D) negotiation

    19. Many people suspected the existence of extraterrestrial life.

    A) snowman         B) outside the earth

    C) spiritual           D) underworld

    20. In case your liabilities outrun your assets, you may go bankrupt.

    A) debt        B) enterprise

    C) controversy       D) bondage

    21.After the fierce quarrel, they began  to have a __________ loathing for each other.

    A) boring       B) reciprocal

    C) friendly      D) standing

    22. On the stage many pieces of blue silk were fluctuated to ________the sea waves.

    A) simplify       B) simulate

    C) help              D) like

    23. The government lacked money because of biting oil________.

    A) prices        B) stations

    C) buildings            D) revenues


